InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

‘Waiting For You’ in eSignature

Now you will be able to send the eSign docs to multiple agents for signing, and once the agents log in to the portal, the in-process document will be visible to them in the ‘For You’ section of the eSign Module until any action has been performed.

Use Case: Agents can now send eSign documents to multiple recipients, simplifying the signing process and improving document tracking.

To View the Enhancement:

  • Navigate to the eSignature module.
  • Click on “Sign Document” located at the top right corner.
  • Select the Document.
  • Click on Next.
  • Now within the Add Signers view, you can add details of the signer such as contact, account, and agent details.
  • Next Click Add.
  • Now, place the signature fields, auto-fill fields, or standard fields in the eSign doc.
  • Before Sending to the signer, Add the subject , Message, Email ID.
  • Then click on Send.
  • In the “For Me” tab, only documents with “In Process” status will be visible.
  • If the agent declines a document, that declined document will not be visible in the “For You” section.

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