Before, you could only select and unarchive a single deal card at a time. Now, you can select multiple deal cards in bulk to unarchive them simultaneously, and filter by status during the unarchiving process.
Use Case: Unarchive multiple deal cards simultaneously with status filters, streamlining the process and improving efficiency.
To View the Enhancement:

- Navigate to the Pipeline Module.
- Then, click on the three dots present in the top right corner.
- Next, from the drop-down select ‘Archived List.’

- Now, select multiple deal cards and then click on ‘unarchive.’

- A pop-up will appear as such, ‘Are you sure, Unarchive the 6 selected cards?
- Click ‘Yes, Unarchive.’

- Next, you can use filters such as Won, Lost, All, and Open to view the unarchived deal cards.