InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

Sales Funnel

Bring leads through your sales funnel and garner 4-10 times the response rate.

  1. Consumers at this stage of the buying process understand that your product or service could meet their needs, but know that other vendors could too.
  2. Leads at this stage of the buying process are ready to make a purchasebut need a bit more information or reassurance before they do.

Content that you can share with clients in the initial phase of Sales while they are still evaluating or need final push to make the purchase.

InsuredMine provides a set of tools in the sales funnel (deal cards) to close the deals.

What all we can do to close?

Goal – ready to make a purchase

Sales Stages can we create for New clients?

Sales Stage CheckList can we create for New clients?

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