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Round Robin Logic Changes

Cards Created in Private Board with Round Robin Logic:

If you’ve enabled Round Robin Logic for a pipeline and selected the option to create cards in the ‘Private’ board, any new deal cards created in this pipeline on the shared board without an assignee will automatically move to the Private board. The Round Robin queue will then assign these cards to agents. 

Cards Created in Shared Board with Round Robin Logic:

When Round Robin Logic is applied to a pipeline to create cards in the ‘shared’ board, any new deal cards created within the shared board will remain in  the shared board . The assignee agents will then automatically be assigned through the Round Robin queue.

Use Case: With round robin logic you now get precise agent assignment for shared and private cards, boosting workflow efficiency.

To View the Enhancement:

  • Navigate to the Pipelines Module.
  • Then, select Board settings.
  • Within Board Settings, click on the Round Robin tab.
  • Enable Round Robin.
  • A pop-up notification will appear saying: Round Robin setting updated.
  • After enabling Round Robin, you will have the option to  select create cards in  Shared or Private for the selected pipeline.

If Create Card in: Shared

  • If selected to create cards in ‘Shared’, then card will remain in ‘shared’ board of the pipeline and the agent will be assigned according to the Round Robin queue for deal cards created within the shared board.

If Create Card in: Private

  • If selected to create card in ‘private’ then any cards created in the shared board will automatically move to “private,”  for the selected pipeline and the agent will be assigned according to the Round Robin queue for deal cards.

Note: For Example, If the pipeline board type is set to “Shared,” the assigned agent for any newly added deal card will be determined using Round Robin logic. If an admin or agent removes the current assignee and reassigns the deal to a different agent, the card will continue to remain in the “Shared” board within the pipeline. Now, when a new card is added to that pipeline, it will automatically be assigned to newly assigned agent that was replaced, continuing with the Round Robin logic.

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