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Primary Assignee of Card in task – in Pipeline Automation

Previously, when triggering pipeline automation within the task stage, the option called ‘Assignee of the Pipeline Card’ would assign the task to all agents once the automation was triggered. Now, we have added a new option called ‘Primary Assignee of the Pipeline Card.’ With this option, once the automation is triggered, the task will be assigned to a specific primary agent.

Use Case:  Primary Assignee of the Pipeline Card option is more precise task delegation, ensuring tasks are assigned directly to designated primary agents, improving efficiency and clarity.

To View the Enhancement:

  • Navigate to the Pipelines Module.
  • Now, click on the three dots present in the top right corner.
  • From the dropdown, select Automation.
  • Next, click on the ‘Add new Automation Stage.’
  • Select Task, and then from the drop-down choose to select ‘Primary assignee of the Pipeline Card.’

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