With the pipeline bulk upload feature, users can effortlessly upload large amounts of data. InsuredMine simplifies the process by creating deal cards based on policy numbers and expiration dates provided in the uploaded file.
Use Case: InsuredMine automatically generates deal cards by extracting policy numbers and expiration dates from the uploaded file.
To View the Enhancement:
- Navigate to the pipelines module.
- Then, click on the three dots present in the top right corner.
- From the drop-down, select “Bulk Upload- Policy.”
- Select and upload the CSV or Excel file.
- InsuredMine verifies if the policy number and expiration date combination exist for the account.
- If the combination exists, it will be visible under the “Review Mapped Data” section.
- Click on ‘Next.’
Hence, a deal card will be created for the account based on the policy and X-date details.