InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

Insured Address Same as Mailing Address

Introducing a feature to enhance your data entry process—”Insured Address Same as Mailing Address.” This intuitive functionality simplifies deal creation by allowing you to effortlessly copy the mailing address to the insured address with a single click.

Use Case: This intuitive enhancement simplifies deal creation by allowing you to effortlessly copy the mailing address to the insured address with a single click.

To View the Enhancement:

  • Navigate to the pipelines module.
  • Next, click on the ‘Add deal.’
  • Next add the Mailing  Full Address.
  • To copy it to the Insured Full Address, simply click on the check box labeled “Same as Mailing Address.”
  • Next click on save to save the deal card.

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