InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency

How do I Instruct Super Admins to Whitelist Applications?

To Connect Gsuite account with InsuredMine for your Agency users follow the steps mentioned below:

1. Admins should sign in to their Google Admin Console; from the Google Admin dashboard, go to “Security” and open up “Settings”.
2. Then, admins should scroll down and click on “API Controls
3. Click on “Manage Third-Party App Access”.
4. Click on “APPS” and select “Configure new app”
5. Have them search Google Client ID and select InsuredMine under the App name. Client ID:
6. Mark your Client ID and click Select.
7. Select trusted can access all google services and click “Configure”
8. The Google project the admin whitelisted will now appear in their list of “App Access Control” For more details on connecting your email id to the agency portal click here.

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