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Connecting to integrated AMS through InsuredMine Portal

Admin can now connect to their AMS from the InsuredMine portal. This feature will help save time as you won’t have to log into two different portals. Just add the credentials in InsuredMine and you will be connected to your AMS.

Note: This feature is accessible at the Admin level who is using an AMS that is integrated with InsuredMine such as NowcertsHawksoftAMS360, and QQ Catalyst.

How to connect integrated AMS with Insuredmine?

  1. Navigate to user account settings.
  2. Click on Connect your AMS.

  1. A panel will open up with all the AMSs that are integrated with InsuredMine.
  2. Select the AMS that you want to connect with.
  3. Insert your username and password.
  4. Once connected you will get an update saying your AMS is connected.

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