Earlier in the cancellation pipeline, we had two options: ‘By Default’ and ‘Customize.’ Following recent UI enhancements, we have renamed the ‘Customize’ option to ‘By Policy Type‘ while keeping its functionality the same for your convenience. Additionally, a new feature called ‘By Branch’ has been introduced.
Use Case: ‘By Branch’ adds a new layer of organization, enabling tailored handling of policies associated with specific branches. When canceling a policy linked to a particular branch, a cancellation card will be generated based on the chosen pipeline stages.
To View the Enhancement:

- The customize option has been renamed to the ‘By Policy’ type keeping the functionality the same.
By Branch:
We’ve added a new feature called ‘By Branch.’ Now, when canceling policies tied to a particular branch, a canceled card will be created based on the selected pipeline stages.

- Navigate to the Pipelines module.
- Then, click on the 3 dots icon located in the top right corner.
- Select ‘Pipeline settings’ from the dropdown menu.

- Within the pipeline settings, select the ‘Cancellation Pipeline.’
- Set the card settings to ‘By Branch’ type and customize your pipeline settings accordingly.
- Save your settings.