Agency Dashboard will display the 6 KPIs. Active clients, Annualized Premium, Policies & Carriers (each is hyperlinked to provide you instant view to each of them)
- Active accounts – List of all the active accounts as individuals or businesses who have purchased policies through your agency. Clicking on the count opens the list of all active accounts and each account provides a 360 view (overview) of policy holder including – Policy Info, Documents (email, received records, events – notes, files), Events, Deal/card history, Chat history, Campaigns & Referrals.
- Premium: Premium is calculated based on 365 days in a year beginning on the initial date of the policy. Depending on the start date of the policy, the month may have less or more days in it for the term.
- Policies – Count of policies is a good reflection of business health and growth. By clicking on the policy count – the next page will show all policies by policy number, account name, provider, premium, period, insured; policies by me, by others.
- Premium per Account- Premium per account allows to understand the volume of business that you are driving from the particular account.
- Premium per Policy- Premium per policy can give a fair idea of the business that you will be driving from each policy.
- Policy per Account- Policy per account shows average number of policies for each account.