With ImageRight and InsuredMine integration, you can upload any file or image directly within ImageRight, and then have it mapped within the files section of
The smart search feature is designed to ease information access of your contacts, instead of skimming through the humongous stores of data files. You can
Description: Forms from Contact360 and Account360 can be deleted. Benefit: Admin and agents can streamline their workflow and increase productivity by directly removing redundant forms
Description: Single-contact drips can be assigned to accounts in Account 360. UseCase: Assigning Single Contact Drips to Accounts is simple to trigger. Navigation: Navigate to
Description – Agents can now download the complete Accounts information into an excel sheet. Use Case – Instant report to review and share Accounts information
 Account details, such as missing email, phone number, and city details, are given in percentages to show how many accounts have missing details. Use Case:Â