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Policy Management

All information about Policy Management

Policy delete restriction

Managing policy data is easier by providing restricted access for deleting policy information. The admin can control access for making changes, deleting, canceling, or reactivating

Renew policy button: Policy

Now, within a policy for a client, there is an activate Policy button which will automatically make a policy Active within the system and change

Renewed Policy Workflow Automation

Renewed workflow automation is available for NowCerts, QQ Catalyst, and AMS360 users.  This workflow can be scheduled for any policy that gets renewed into your

Adding a Policy Category

In this article, you will learn: Selecting Multiple categories for line of business in Policy, Pipeline Manager, Reports and Opportunity modules. To add multiple policies,

Cancel/Renew the policy

Description: Option to Cancel or Renew any policy. Benefit: Assist in granting the authority to renew and cancel the policy. Navigation:  Navigate to the Policies

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