InsuredMine CRM | Optimize and Grow Your Insurance Agency


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User Management

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Access Manager (Old UI – V1)

In this article, you will learn: Access Manager – New Look Where can you find the Access Manager? Terminology and fields in Access Manager Using

Users, Roles, and Access

In this article, you will learn: Data Access to all agents (On Request) Edit Access – Report, Deal card, Template, Contact InsuredMine Agency Portal user

Deactive agent with reasons

Description: The new feature has been added where when we are deactivating any agent then we will get an option to add the reasons for

Restrict Edit/Delete Notes

Admin can restrict edit or delete notes action for selected agents.   To view the enhancement:   Navigate to settings Click on restrictions Scroll to

Policy delete restriction

Managing policy data is easier by providing restricted access for deleting policy information. The admin can control access for making changes, deleting, canceling, or reactivating

eSign delete restriction

Description: Admin can restrict the agents\’ access to the eSign delete option, allowing the agent to do so only if they have access to delete

Disable all Restrictions

You can enable or disable restrictions for any module access for all agents at a time. This restriction will be available for Contact Delete, Dealcard

Generic filters

Most Search: Ams360Release Notes