The InsuredMine Blog

Who should you Trust with your Retirement Accounts
There are various reasons why we save for our retirement. The most common reason is that our earning is supposed to cease at some point

Pool Safety Items That May Lower Your Insurance
To imagine summers without pool is painting an incomplete picture of having fun in the sun. Who would not want to beat the heat by

Expecting the Unexpected – Rainy Day Financial Planning
Failure to prepare is preparing to fail -Benjamin Franklin We prepare for many things in life-school, college, vacation, marriage, kids, grand-kids; the list is endless.

General Tips For Cybersecurity Awareness
Speed and convenience…a couple of decades ago, these terms would remind of you an automobile, most likely a car. But not anymore. All these terms

Texting While Driving – How to Keep Everyone Safe
Driving is a privilege; not a right. It’s a privilege granted to anyone that demonstrate the knowledge and skills of obeying enacted laws in place

Are you sharing too much about your family on social media?
Many of you have either seen the video or heard the story about ‘Dave the Psychic’. If not, here’s a brief account. Dave acted as

Is Retirement Savings Really Necessary
Not many of us think about retirement. The reason is obvious; when we can spend money now, why save for the future? We can use

When is the Best Time to Buy a New Home
If I tell you that now is the right time to buy a new home, will you buy now? We all know the answer is

Why Should You Buy Insurance?
Why Insure? Insurance can be a confusing term for non-finance wizards and finance is a puzzle in itself. The modern world runs on making money.