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Work Email Track Email Changes in Delivery Time

Now you will be able to track the exact delivery time and date of an email that was scheduled to send within the workemail.

Use Case: Easily track scheduled emails with precise delivery date and time, improving accountability and ensuring timely communication.

Note: If you have scheduled the Email from anywhere within the portal, you will be able to track the delivery time within ‘Track Your Sent Emails.’

To View the Enhancement:

  • Navigate to the Work Email.
  • Then, click on Compose.
  • Fill in the details such as the body and subject of the email.
  •  Then, click on ‘Schedule Send.’
  • Please specify the date and time you’d like the email to be scheduled and sent.
  • Then, click on Schedule Send.
  • You will then get a Success Notification: ‘Email Sent Successfully.’
  • Next, track your scheduled emails by clicking on ‘Track your sent emails’
  • In the ‘Sent’ column of the work email, the displayed time will reflect the scheduled time when the email was sent.

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