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Edit eSign Docs Which are in Open Stage

Now, if you are sending an eSign document to a recipient and the status is ‘in progress,’ unless the recipient signs it, you will be able to access the option to edit in eSign. However, if the scenario is that there are multiple recipients and only one signs the document while others do not, then the edit option won’t be accessible.

Use Case: Flexibility to edit eSign documents in progress until fully signed.

To View the Enhancement:

  • Click on any in-process Esign doc, then on the action button to access the edit option.

Let’s suppose the signer failed to sign the document, and in the meantime, you chose not to send it to the current signer.

To Edit:

  • Now, click on the Action button to edit the signer’s name, email, and phone number, or you can choose to delete it and send it to a new signer, or else you can also add a different signer.
  • After the agent edited the signer’s details and shared it with someone else, if the previous signer tries to access the doc, they’ll get an error message saying the link has been disabled.

Note: Suppose there is more than one recipient, and if one of the two signers has signed the document while the other hasn’t, you won’t be able to find the edit option in this scenario.

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