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Featured Integration

Integrate Sagitta with InsuredMine

InsuredMine’s link-up with Sagitta transforms how data is shared. This smooth connection lets important information sync between both platforms, making things run smoother.
Sync Options: Through two-way integration, any data points related to Accounts, Contacts, and Policies, will flow between InsuredMine and Sagitta.
What it does:
Sync account/contacts/policy data, share accounts/contacts/policies, and sync updates changes manually or automatically. For policy sync, If there is an active account, only then the policy will be synced, and that too from Sagitta to IM.


Streamlines data sync, enhances operational efficiency, and ensures data consistency.


Two-Way Sync: Enable bidirectional sync between Sagitta and InsuredMine for accounts, contacts, and policies.
Address Field Mandatory: Ensure that the address field is mandatory when adding accounts or contacts in InsuredMine. Contacts/ accounts without addresses cannot be synced with Sagitta. While adding any policy you have to fill in specific details like carriers and categories otherwise the policy won’t be able to sync.
Manual and Auto-Sync Options: Provide both manual and automatic sync capabilities for data transfer between InsuredMine and Sagitta.

How to connect Sagitta with InsuredMine?

See Why Agencies Manage Over $8 Billion In Premium with InsuredMine

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